Novice adolescent re-create some “ART”

Nikhil Vaidyar
3 min readOct 9, 2019

First of all it is re-created by me in my own version to give a chance to my painting talent(P.S. Painting with Jane). It’s been a long time since I have been drawing and painting. I rather love more to paint. In short I like to give colors to something which is non-living to make it real, like it’s responding to us.

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Alluring lady with Umbrella

Umbrella and Red Dress

Talking about this portrait, I only spend 2 hours just to make it. I made it with some broken brushes because I couldn’t afford a good soft brushes which gives a more detailing and more good at finishing. Until though I never lose, I just want to paint, these type of silly obstacle is just absurd. About this lady, holding an red umbrella on such a rainy day, makes her dress and her set of hair from behind make it more charming and lovely. Alone this lady, thinking about something like her career, work and and all other things which are out of topic, but then she realized that she’s is freed, she can enjoy this weather, by seeing all the beautiful surrounding around her and to forget all the past, she’s just got to know from nature reality that she is missing something beautiful that may not come back in her life. It shows that a human whether she is a man or a woman, the nature can relieve or give a path to them. We just have to think different.

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A window pane

I don’t know how but this window have something which makes me to gawk at. I love to see it’s detailing. I seriously doubt myself that how i re-created this, but somehow I paint this when there is actually raining outside which giving me chills to draw it more accurately. When I learn that how to draw drops I got excited I tried and tried and then came up with this. When I complete it, I just halt for moment and then I smiled at my painting that I actually drew this. I know it’s not a big famous painting, but at that very moment, it somehow take me to other place at which I still wanna be. It shows that glass not always reflects it also gives a chance to see something else.

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Vintage Lamp in dense trees

Rusty Lamp

Still this painting is re-created by me. I know it’s pretty messed up, but the way that vintage lamp scatters the light on that summer night, creates a moment to remember the scene. The way the light scatters on the leaves, branches,insects, and all around wherever the light can go creates a beautiful image which gives the chills in that clear summer-breezy night. Last night, I dreamed about this painting in which I am holding the hand of my soulmate and I walking along with her and then I saw this graceful moment at which how the light spread all through the way. It shows that light is complete with darkness.



Nikhil Vaidyar

Maintaining consistency | CNCF Contributor | Golang | Docker | Kubernetes